Georgia Institute of Technology | Atlanta, GA | 2016–2020
PhD, Mechanical Engineering (Acoustics)
Dissertation: Trans-skull Ultrasound for Imaging and Therapy
The University of Texas at Austin | Austin, TX | 2011–2013
MSE, Mechanical Engineering (Acoustics)
Thesis: Acoustic Characterization of Encapsulated Microbubbles at Seismic Frequencies
Tufts University | Medford, MA | 2007–2011
BS (Magna Cum Laude) Majors: Physics & Music
Research Positions
Instructor in Radiology | 2023-pres.
Postdoctoral Fellow | Center for Ultrasound Research & Translation | 2021–2023
Applying physical acoustics and machine learning to improve diagnostic abdominal ultrasound, including conventional, shear wave, and contrast-enhanced techniques.
Graduate Research Assistant | Ultrasound Biophysics & Bioengineering Lab | 2016–2021
Developing and implementing efficient spectral methods for the real-time monitoring and control of therapeutic trans-skull, microbubble-mediated brain cancer therapies.
Research Associate | Trident Research LLC | 2013–2016
Researching, planning, and improving the collection of GPS and acoustic data, and performing analysis thereof, for deployed acoustic localization systems.
Graduate Research Assistant | Applied Research Laboratories | 2011–2013
Primarily characterizing the bulk material properties of synthetic microbubbles, and evaluating their feasibility for use as seismic contrast agents at borehole conditions. I
Undergraduate Research Assistant | Cebe Research Group | 2009–2011
Investigating the crystallization behavior of thin film isotactic polypropylene (iPP) in the presence of various concentrations of carbon nanotubes.

Selected Publications
“Microbubble Contrast Agents Improve Detection of Active Hemorrhage” S. J. Schoen Jr, S. Arshad, A. Prasov, I. Candel, M. Ottensmeyer, L. Brattain, B. Telfer, and A. E. Samir IEEE Open Journal of
Engineering in Medicine and Biology 5 2024 DOI: 10.1109/OJEMB.2024.3414974
"ULTRA-SR: assessment of Ultrasound Localization and Tracking Algorithms for Super Resolution Imaging" Marcelo Lerendegui, Kai iemer, Georgios Papageorgiou, Binxue Want et al. IEEE
Transactions on Medical Imaging (2024) DOI: 10.1109/TMI.2024.3388048
"Ultrasonic Sound Speed Estimation for Liver Fat Quantification: A Review by the AIUM-RSNA QIBA Pulse-Echo Quantitative Ultrasound Initiative" Xiaohong Wang, Jeffrey C. Bamber, Raul Esquivel-Sirvent, Juvenal Ormachea, Paul S. Sidhu, Kai E. Thomenius, Scott Schoen Jr, Stephen Rosenzeig, and Theodore T. Pierce Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (2023) DOI: 10.1016/j.ultrasmedbio.2023.06.021
"Towards Controlled Drug Delivery in Brain Tumors with Microbubble-enhanced Focused Ultrasound" Scott Schoen Jr, M. Sait Kilnic, Hohyun Lee, Yutong Guo, F. Levent Degertekin, Graeme F. Woodworth, and Costas Arvanitis Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 180 114043 (2022) DOI: 10.1016/j.addr.2021.114043
“Spatially Targeted Brain Cancer Immunotherapy with Closed-Loop Controlled Focused Ultrasound and Immune Checkpoint Blockade” Hohyun Lee, Yutong Guo, James Ross, Scott Schoen Jr, F. Levent Degertekin, and Costas Arvanitis Science Advances (2022) DOI: 10.1126sciadv.add2288
"Experimental Demonstration of Trans-skull Volumetric Passive Acoustic Mapping with the Heterogeneous Angular Spectrum Approach" Scott Schoen Jr, Pradosh Dash, and Costas Arvanitis IEEE T. Ultrason. Ferr. 69(2) (2022) DOI: 10.1109/TUFFC.2021.3125670
"Morphological Reconstruction Improves Microvessel Mapping and Characterization in Super-Resolution Ultrasound" Scott Schoen Jr, Zhigen Zhao, Ashley Alva, Chengwu Huang, Shigao Chen, and Costas Arvanitis IEEE T. Ultrason. Ferr. 68(6) (2021) DOI: 10.1109/TUFFC.2021.3057540
"Trans-skull Ultrasound for Imaging and Therapy". PhD Dissertation, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2020. [Download @ GT Repository]
"Acoustic Source Localization with the Angular Spectrum Approach in Continuously Stratified Media" Scott Schoen Jr and Costas Arvanitis J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 148(4) (2020) DOI: 10.1121/10.0002095
"Heterogeneous Angular Spectrum Approach for Trans-skull Imaging and Focusing". Scott Schoen Jr and Costas D. Arvanitis. IEEE T. Med. Imag. 39(5) (2020) DOI: 10.1109/TMI.2019.2953872
"Closed Loop Spatial and Temporal Control of Cavitation Activity with Passive Acoustic Mapping". Arpit Patel, Scott Schoen Jr, and Costas D. Arvanitis. IEEE T. Bio-Med. Eng. 66(7) (2019) DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2018.2882337
"Acoustic Characterization of Encapsulated Microbubbles at Seismic Frequencies". Master's thesis, The University of Texas at Austin, 2013. [Download @ UT Repository]
"Toward reliable metrics for Sacred Harp singing spaces". Benjamin J. Copenhaver, Scott Schoen Jr, and Michael R. Haberman. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 134, 3969 (2013).
"Low-frequency measurement of encapsulated bubble compressibility". Scott Schoen Jr, Yura Ilinskii, Evgenia Zabolotskaya, Mark F. Hamilton. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 132, 2039 (2012).
Awards & Honors
Ultrasound Localization and Tracking Algorithms for Super-resolution, Overall Runner-up (2022)
NCAC Travel Award, ASA 179, Chicago, IL USA (2020)
International Student Challenge Problem in Acoustical Signal Processing, Second Place (2019)
ASA Travel Subsidy, ASA 178, San Diego, CA USA (2019)
NCAC Travel Award, ASA 177, Louisville, KY USA (2019)
Provost’s Award, CRIDIC Poster Competition (2019)
Session co-moderator and Student Travel Award Recipient, ISTU'18 Nashville, TN USA (2018)
Elizabeth L. & Russell F. Hallberg Foundation Graduate Fellowship in Engineering Acoustics (2011)
Tufts University Dean’s List (2007-2011)